- 进一步了解关于验证疗效的相关信息吗?
- 了解那些我们已知有关疗效的信息?
- 了解那些我们未知的有关疗效的信息?
- 了解那些对当前疗效还不确定的研究信息?
- 参与到与自己相关的和高质量的验证疗效的研究中去?
- 练习如何评价研究?
- 了解更多关于共同决策的内容?
- 了解动物实验的系统评价?
- 詹姆斯·林德图书馆
- Cochrane协作网
- NHS Choices (enter ‘research’ in search window)
- UK Clinical Research Collaboration
- Healthtalkonline
- US National Cancer Institute: Educational material about clinical trials
- Steven Woloshin, Lisa Schwartz, Gilbert Welch. Know your chances: understanding health statistics. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2008.
- Les Irwig, Judy Irwig, Lyndal Trevena, Melissa Sweet. Smart health choices: making sense of health advice. London: Hammersmith Press, 2008. Available free at www.jameslindlibrary.org.
- Ben Goldacre. Bad science. London: Harper Perennial, 2009.
- Bengt D Furberg, Curt D Furberg. Evaluating clinical research: all that glitters is not gold. 2nd edition. New York: Springer, 2007.
- Trish Greenhalgh. How to read a paper: the basics of evidence-based medicine. 4th edition. Oxford and London: Wiley-Blackwell and BMJI Books, 2010.
- H Gilbert Welch, Lisa M. Schwartz, Steven Woloshin. Overdiagnosed: making people sick in the pursuit of health. Boston: Beacon Press, 2011.
- WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform
- US National Institutes of Health Clinical Trials Registry
- EU Clinical Trials Register
- Australian Cancer Trials
- James Lind Alliance
Promotes working partnerships between patients and clinicians to identify and prioritize important uncertainties about the effects of treatments. - National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Health Technology Assessment
Actively involves service-users in all stages of its work. - NIHR Clinical Research Network Coordinating Centre
Keen to involve patients, carers, and the public in volunteering for clinical studies and getting actively involved as researchers. - Cochrane Consumer Network
Promotes patient input to systematic reviews of treatments prepared by the Cochrane Collaboration. - UK Clinical Research Network
- Critical Appraisal Skills Programme
Organizes workshops and other resources to help individuals to develop the skills to find and make sense of research evidence. - US Cochrane Center: Understanding Evidence-based Healthcare: A Foundation for Action
A web course designed to help individuals understand the fundamentals of evidence-based healthcare concepts and skills.
- The Foundation for Informed Medical Decision Making
- Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center: Center for Shared Decision Making
- Salzburg Statement
- www.salzburgglobal.org